Tuesday, February 14, 2023

First Step On Research

Week 2:

So, the chosen genre for Lorenzo's and I film opening is…

Drum rolls please … !!


Indulging in this genre, research took place.
Here is what I've learned so far -

Dramas are known for their capacity to provoke a variety of emotions in their viewers. Every drama has a plot that is frequently influenced by true or harsh events that test the characters' abilities, which makes it intriguing and keeps the audience's interest. That is why the genre has grown to be greatly produced and watched.

Dramas account for a little over half of all films 
produced globally during the previous 20 years (51.6%).

The target audience is mostly made of female audiences, often between the ages of 16 to 45. 

With more than 60% of viewers being above 25, 
drama has the oldest viewership overall.

While dramas can explore a wide range of subjects, they find love to be the most appealing. 

Dramas frequently feature romantic relationships, though they're not limited to romantic stories. They can also delve into social justice, politics, and morality, making them appealing to audiences who enjoy stories that tackle thought-provoking issues and explore the complexities of the human experience. That is why the age range can be found to be even more diverse.

After having said all of this, I will further look into different films to really understand the drama genre and analyze its characteristics. 

Sources :

Follows, Stephen. “Genre Trends in Global Film Production.” Stephen Follows - Film Data and Education, 6 July 2021, https://stephenfollows.com/genre-trends-global-film-production/.

Follows, Stephen. “What Films Are Older Cinemagoers Watching?” Stephen Follows - Film Data and Education, 6 July 2021, https://stephenfollows.com/what-older-cinemagoers-are-watching/.

Williams, Maddie. “Audience Expectations and Target Audience.” A2 Media Studies, 2014, http://maddiemedia.weebly.com/audience-expectations-and-target-audience.html. 

Buffam, Noelle. “Drama.” The Script Lab, 14 Mar. 2011, https://thescriptlab.com/screenplay/genre/952-drama/. 

1 comment:


With the project coming to a close, Let us reflect :) https://youtu.be/dshfgG4Rspk https://youtu.be/W1D31Ze4azk